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That use to be the case. I have intentionally left this page blank for many years. I felt I should not give an opinion on anything. Who am I to give an opinion?
I finally decided that I need to offer an opinion on something. It has become very egregious and deserves my opinion. So, I offer the following opinion to help others that may consider moving to the City of Mckinney Texas.
My reasoning for this has been created over a very long period of time. I have lived here for decades. The city council is unresponsive to requests for assistance with any problem you have with the city operations. My water line leading into my home was damaged by city water service personnel when they replaced the meter. My neighbor observed this. The city denied it and I spent over a thousand dollar fixing my water line. The city council representative said, "Sorry" and nothing was done to reimburse me for the expense. Even after filing a damage claim, it was denied because a vehicle didn't damage my water line (BS excuse).
I have tried to get information from the city many times over many years about subjects spanning a wide array of subjects (solar array installations, battery backup for a home, etc...). This city has provided me with extremely limited information. And, when I did get information, it was wrong more than 50% of the time.
I have felt baffled at the outrageous waste of my tax money many times on things like the city getting sued and loosing because the city made agreements and broke them with several people and organizations. These law suits have cost the tax payers millions (not singles of millions, tens of millions) of dollars.
The city council and mayor have disregarded the citizens point of view on a wide variety of subjects with bond elections that have failed by a landslide at the ballot box, only to ignore the citizens wishes and carry forth as though the initiatives are wanted. A few of them are the airport runway expansion (18 million bond that was voted down, only to have the city council do it anyway and pay for it out of money slated for road and bridge maintenance). The roads are now filled with pot holes and crumbling bridges.
Another airport bond ballot initiative to expand the airport (commonly know as the money pit in this city). The bond was for $200 million dollars to add passenger service to the airport. Voted down in a land slide. The city council is investigating ways to pay for it anyway at the expense of the tax payers. Even though they clearly (58% NO) told the council they do not want passenger service at the airport.
The attempts to use tax payer money to break deals the city made with families in the northern area of the city, and force those families to allow roads to be built. Again, the citizens voiced their concerns that the city management was wrong. The city council did it anyway, and lost another law suit.
So, I must now clearly admit that The City of Mckinney in the State of Texas is being run in the worst possible way a city can be run.
City governance is clearly no longer done for the benefit of the citizens of this city.
I offer this note to any person considering moving into this city.